Meet Kathi

A year ago, brand-new-to-Pella Kathi was in shopping and saw the volunteer sign. Looking for a place to volunteer, and after hearing the store's mission, Kathi decided to volunteer and join The Work of Our Hands family. Since starting at the store in January 2023, Kathi has also joined our Board of Directors, further investing in the promotion of Fair Trade and the well-being of global artisans. Kathi's compassion fuses with her administration and financial background, bringing added insight and wisdom in decisions.
When asked what Kathi enjoys most about volunteering at the store, she said, "I love meeting the people that come from all over the country and being able to tell them about our mission. The people who work and volunteer at the store are so nice, and since I am new to Pella, this has been a huge blessing."
At the end of February, Kathi will be traveling to Guatemala for a learning tour with UPAVIM, a cooperative that provides leadership opportunities, greater economic independence, and education for the members and their families. Sales of UPAVIM's fair trade goods directly support the cooperative, a daycare, Montessori preschool and full-day elementary (K-6) school. UPAVIM's success in La Esperanza, Guatemala, has also fueled the development of a health clinic, tutoring program, local bakery, and more. Kathi is "looking forward to meeting some of the artisans we buy from, watch them at work, and hear their stories."
We are SO VERY thankful for Kathi!
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